Time of Diffraction (TOFD) Testing

JANX is an experienced provider of Time of Diffraction (TOFD) testing services, including testing done in conjunction with such other Ultrasonic Testing (UT) techniques as Automated Ultrasonic Testing and Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing.

Time of Flight Diffraction uses longitudinal sound waves as the primary wave form in a pitch-catch technique. Initially developed to monitor and size through-wall defects at in-service plants, TOFD is now one of the most trusted methods of sizing critical flaws in multiple industries ranging from oil and gas to nuclear power. We have found Time of Flight Diffraction Techniques highly accurate in cases where the orientation of a flaw does not accurately or adequately signal responses for pulse echo or phased array examination.

We use Time of Flight Diffraction Techniques to examine in welds and heat affected zones (HAZ). By detecting and sizing such flaws as cracks, lack of fusion, and flow-accelerated corrosion (FOC), we help customers prioritize repairs and replacements.


  • Cost effective
  • Fast
  • Reliable
  • No work shutdowns required
  • High probability of flaw detection
  • In compliance with industry codes and standards
  • Real-time results

Wherever You Need Us

Because we’re equipped to mobilize testing services across the United States, our customers can get their inspections done whenever and wherever they need them. That includes pipeline operators working in remote environments or extreme conditions. Our technology and more than 35 years of experience mean customers can rely on us for thorough, detailed, and rapid inspection results.

Read More: Why Choose JANX

Ultrasonic Testing Technologies

  • Automated Ultrasonic Testing
    Our proprietary inspection system, RTD Rotoscan™, is designed to inspect girth welds during the construction of long-distance pipelines.
  • Phased Array
    Uses multiple elements fired in succession to produce beams that can be steered, swept, and focused electronically. This technology provides safe, accurate results.
  • Shear Wave
    Proven technology; commonly used for flaw detection and the inspection of new construction welds, structural steel welds, and in-service welds.
  • Internal Corrosion Mapping (CMAP)
    Uses straight beam UT tools to identify and measure interior deterioration.